Funding for free specialist breastfeeding support for families in Central Otago and Upper Clutha ceased in September 2017. A small group of women from across the Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes region took up the cause to make sure whānau/families in the area were not disadvantaged. Passionate about ensuring there was ongoing breastfeeding support, advocacy and education they investigated ways to make this happen.
In December 2017 Central Lakes Breastfeeding Charitable Trust was formed.
An anonymous donor and small community grants enabled a few hours of free specialist breastfeeding support service to continue until May 2018 when the first Central Lakes Trust grant provided some surety for the service.
It takes a village to raise a child and some families need extra support when it comes to breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is important for the health of mothers, their children and our planet.
Mother’s milk has the perfect nutrients for baby, protects against illness and infections and all without packaging. However, breastfeeding is not always easy...
Central Lakes Breastfeeding Charitable Trust leads and supports initiatives in our community that either help or support families.
Activities that protect, promote and enable a positive breastfeeding experience for families/whānau
Breastfeeding support group - The Wanaka Well
Community breast pump loan scheme
Free breastfeeding specialist support service
Support for breastfeeding education
Advocating to reduce barriers to breastfeeding
Seeking research opportunities that will benefit our Trust purposes.